"I missed the birth of my son to say farewell to my dying father: my wife was angry"

Managing family relationships is not the easiest thing in the world. Sometimes, misunderstandings and arguments arise and it is not always possible to agree with everyone, for example, on how best to manage certain situations. It is in these cases that understanding the reasons of others must be taken into account, and we should not assume we are automatically correct.
The subject of this story found himself in a difficult situation. A man - a son and a father - had to make an important choice that angered his wife. Let's find out together what this situation was.
via Reddit

The man in question shared his story on Reddit and described his ordeal in a long post. "I had to make the most difficult decision of my life and I would like some advice from you," writes the author at the beginning of his story. On the day his wife was due to give birth to their first child, he chose not to be at the hospital with her. His father, according to the author's words, was ill and did not have much time left.
"Just before my wife told me she was about to give birth to our son, I had left the house to go to be with my father," writes the man. He continued: "While I was there, my wife called me and told me she needed me, but I decided not to go and chose to stay and say goodbye to my father for the last time. We had some things to talk about and settle before he passed on".

This decision upset his wife and her family a lot - so much so that they were very angry with the husband. The birth of a child is important, we cannot deny it, but how important is the last chance to be with one's dying father? For our author, it is a lot, explaining his choice: "My son will grow up with me, I will always be with him and I will have a lot of time to spend with him - at least until he is of age".
Most of the users who read and commented on the post agreed with the man and advised him not to feel too guilty. Even though it was a difficult time for his wife to deal with alone, he could not do otherwise and had to say goodbye to his father. There were those who advised him to put the whole thing behind him and to now focus on his wife and son.
What do you think about this man's choice?