Daughter takes flowers to her father's grave regularly: after 43 years, she discovers it's the wrong grave

by Mark Bennett

October 12, 2022

Daughter takes flowers to her father's grave regularly: after 43 years, she discovers it's the wrong grave

When a loved one passes away, there are two important things that remain with relatives and friends: the memory of the moments spent together, and a place to go to pay our respects to those who are no longer with us. For this reason, cemeteries should not be seen as sad, gloomy places, but as the place where the people we have loved are at rest and where we can pay them homage.

There are people, however, who have gone to a specific place in a graveyard for years without knowing that it was, unfortunately, the wrong spot. The subject of this story knows this very well and here is her story: 

via Daily Mail

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Sylvia Ross is a 67-year-old woman who was at the center of a rather sad story. Her father, John Thomas Thompson, passed away in 1979 and was buried in the Witton Park cemetery in Bishop Auckland, County Durham. From that moment on, the woman frequently visited the same grave. It wasn't until more than 40 years later that she discovered something truly disconcerting.

Thanks to a post on Facebook, Sylvia learned that she had been going to the wrong grave. Her father, in fact, had been mistakenly buried in another spot which did not correspond to the gravestone. The reason for the mistake is not known, but an investigation has been launched to find out how this happened.

"My mother is heartbroken," said Lynette, Sylvia's daughter. She continued: "Now she thinks how sad my grandfather must be not having received a single visit to his grave in over 40 years". Of course, this must have been a very disconcerting discovery for poor Syliva.

Bob Embleton/Wikimedia - Not the actual photo

Bob Embleton/Wikimedia - Not the actual photo

Sylvia couldn't hide her disappointment at the thought of bringing flowers and gifts to the wrong person's graveside. The authorities have apologized: Graham Harrison, Head of Bereavement Services at Durham County Council, said, "As soon as we learned of the mistake, we acted quickly. But we know that this won't erase all the pain caused by the mistake, so we want to deeply apologize to the whole family ".

We hope that Sylvia's sadness will disappear with time and at the knowledge that now - and finally - she will be able to visit the right grave.
