Husband wants to prevent his wife giving their daughter a bizarre name: he goes to the registry office secretly and registers a more traditional name

When you decide to have a child, a lot of sensitive choices need to be made. Any choice, however, should always be made for the benefit of the infant and never out of selfishness. Take the choice of a name, for example: even making this choice, one should be prudent. In this regard, a man said he had changed his daughter's name at the registry office to safeguard the welfare of his little girl. Let's see in detail what happened:
via Reddit

The story told by this father has created a lot of chatter among Reddit users, who have been split on the issue. It seems, in fact, that neither of the two have acted in a mature manner. The man explained that his pregnant wife wanted to call their future daughter one of a number of strange names, such as: Hoohee, Joejie, Yabba and Buza. "These names are absolutely ridiculous. There is no cultural reason to use a named like this because we are both of European origin. People will tease my daughter mercilessly," the man argued. The man's belief is very different: "I am a traditional person, I like traditional names with a deep history and meaning. My wife, on the other hand, wants to give our daughter a name that no one else in the world would ever think of. "

Given his wife's insistence to call her daughter "Buza", the man decided to secretly go to the registry office the day after the baby's birth, in an attempt to foil his wife's plan. Without telling his wife, the man registered his daughter with a "normal" name. "No one would ever take her seriously with a name like that" the man explained. "My wife was fixated with giving our daughter a unique name without thinking about what effect this could have on our child in the future. I saw that my wife was completely obsessed with the name, and there was no way to convince her otherwise. The next morning, I went to the registry office to register a name for our baby out of fear that my wife would do this first. I chose a very cute name, not too old-fashioned, and I thought my wife would like it. But when I came home and told my wife what I had doine, she got very angry and said I was out of line and irresponsible. But I think she is the irresponsible one for wanting to give our daughter a name that could have ruined her life," concluded the man.
Whatever new name this father gave his daughter, how do you think he acted? Tell us your opinion in the comments!