Woman finds $ 500 in her fast food lunch bag: she decides to return the money

It is said that "money does not bring happiness", but it can certainly help. And a lot of money can "tempt" even the most loyal and honest person if they happen to stumble across a lost wade of cash. A woman from Georgia - United States - knows something about this, and was praised by the authorities after returning over $500 in cash which she found in her food bag she had purchased from KFC.
via New York Post

The money was enough to pay some of the woman's bills and for medicines for her husband. In fact, Mrs. Oliver said that her family has a $2 million medical debt. She admitted she thought about keeping the money to herself "for a second". But then, she chose to do the right thing and called the police.
In a post shared on Facebook, the Jackson City Police Department thanked the woman for her honesty. "Character and integrity consist in doing the right thing when no one is looking!" they wrote.
"The Jackson Police Department wishes to pay tribute to Ms. Joann Oliver for her honesty. A few days ago, the Jackson police were called to Ms. Oliver's workplace. The woman had gone to a KFC restaurant during her lunch break and returned to work with her purchase to enjoy her meal," the statement said. It continued:
"When she opened the food bag, she was surprised to find $ 500 in cash under the chicken. After investigating, it was determined that the restaurant's daily deposit had been accidentally been placed in her KFC food bag. Joann not only handed the money in, but also saved the director's job. Ms. Oliver, thank you for reminding us that we have great citizens in Jackson and that people like you make us look good! "
Honesty is the best policy, they say. What would you have done in Mrs Oliver's place? Tell us in the comments!