Two young women discover that they dated the same man for a year: they leave him and go on vacation together

Cheating is probably one of the worst ways you can hurt your partner's feelings. Cheating is undoubtedly a symptom of some problem within the relationship. The best thing to do, when you know you will cheat, is to first end things with your current partner. Many, however, prefer to cheat on the sly and chose a path of lies. Sooner or later, however, the truth come out ...
Two girls found out they were dating the same guy, but of course neither of them knew about the other.
Faith Bistline was preparing to spend a vacation in Costa Rica with her boyfriend on the occasion of her 30th birthday. One day, however, without any warning, the young woman received a private message on Facebook from a stranger asking her if the man in a photo she had posted, was her boyfriend. The stranger wrote: "Because that guy has been dating my friend for the past 10 months.". Blistine had been with her boyfriend for 18 months, and she couldn't believe this stranger was telling her the truth. So, initially, she thought it was all just a big mistake. She took a screenshot of the message exchange and forwarded it to her boyfriend, hoping to clear everything up. However, the non-response from the boyfriend was disconcerting: in fact, he had not responded even two days later.
Shortly thereafter, Blistine received the message from Emely Ortiz - the "other woman". Of course, they both thought they were dating the man exclusively, so they didn't even know of each other's existence. Emily asked her, "I just want to know how long you've been dating. Did he ever tell you about me, or did you have no idea?" Blistine's response was sincere: "I had no idea. We've been dating for almost a year and a half. I'm trying to give him the opportunity to explain himself, but he's not answering me." After exchanging photos of their "ex" boyfriend, they confirmed the identity of the young man and both women were heartbroken. While Bistline, who is a nurse, started dating the man in April 2021, Ortiz first met him in the clinic where she works as a medical assistant and where the young man, a doctor, practiced.
Later, the man stated: "I shouldn't have let this situation get out of hand". Both women left him, of course.
With a trip already planned and paid for, Blistine asked Ortiz to go with her to Costa Rica: an unexpected but intelligent proposal, given that both were trying to get back on their feet and forget their bad experience. A liberating holiday might be good for them. "I didn't want to go alone," explained Bistline, "I thought it would probably help both of us to go on a trip like this. We deserve it after what we've been through."
The two may have lost a boyfriend, but they both gained a friendship!