This woman claims she doesn't want a partner to bother her: "I want to stay single forever"

Thankfully, the society we live in does not require anyone to be married by a certain age, have children and start a family - although there is still some pressure on women and mythology around their "biological clocks". It once seemed unthinkable to choose not to have children, but today there are many women who openly state that they feel no desire for motherhood. Furthermore, there are those who do not even want to have a partner: after all, who said that a woman, in order to feel complete, must have a partner? The subject of this story wants to remind us of how well one can live being single.

Elysse made her position clear in her video on TikTok: she doesn't want to be bound by any relationship. She is not interested in texting a person to find out how he is doing all the time, and she finds the benefits of being single to be wonderful. In short, relationships are difficult, it's true, but for Elysse they are to be avoided: the mere thought of having to go out with someone and then worry about having to deal with them, is something Elysse cannot stomach. "I want to stay single forever," she states emphatically on her TikTok account.
The woman defends her stance with some colorful language, but she has received many positive and appreciative comments nonetheless. She was amazed by the number of positive comments and she immediately added one of her own: "I'm happy to know that there are so many happy, single people out there."

It has always been a widespread belief that women are destined to be mothers - almost as if having children and having a partner is a life mission. Things have changed over time and these same beliefs are gradually fading, even if they persist today. Of course, a single life allows people to have much more freedom and fewer responsibility towards others. It is true, however, that being single, one misses out on the positive aspects of being in a relationship.
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