Mother leaves her little daughter to sleep in her pram outside while she is shopping: "It's normal here"

We recognize that parents around the world have different practices when it comes to raising and caring for their children, although most of us use a common sense approach. A small child needs are universal, but there are parents who approach certain situations with a different mindset. For example, it seems that in Scandinavian countries, parents have a more "relaxed" attitude towards their children - so much so, that they even leave their prams unattended at times. This practice shocked thousands of TikTok users, who watched videos posted by an American mom currently living in Denmark.
via TikTok / annieineventyrland

It seems that in Denmark it is very common to let your children sleep in their pram in the open air. In a video that has greatly shocked users from different countries, Annie, a mother of 4 children - one of which is just a few months old - explained in detail what this is all about. Not only is it a pretty common cultural practice in Denmark, but it is also recommended by midwives and nurses as fresh air keeps the baby healthy and helps them sleep more peacefully. Of course, the little ones are dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. But, shockingly, the prams are often left unattended outside. Does this shock you? Well, you are not the only one. Most parents would never leave their pram unattended for a second. Yet in Denmark, it seems to be a very normal practice and also encouraged, since there are "parking bays" for prams set up specifically for these occasions. Annie reassures users: there is nothing to fear, as the prams are always watched over by at least one parent.

Clearly, there are countries where doing this would be unthinkable. User comments, in fact, focus on two factors: 1) the safety of a child left alone and, 2) the health of the child. Many parents are mindful of these factors and could never consider leaving their child alone, even for moment. But Annie is a happy mother and she is comfortable with this custom.
What do you think? Would you ever be able to adopt this cultural norm?