Mother is criticized for getting pregnant immediately after giving birth: "I want my children to grow up together"

Generally, when a woman and her partner discover they are expecting a baby, the whirlwind of emotions is stupendous, and their joy is unmatched. There are couples who have always wanted a child to start their family (or to enlarge their family), just like the subjects of this story did.
A mother from Queensland, Australia, managed to fulfill her dreams, but, despite this, she got a lot of criticism from those who learned about her story. Let's find out what this story is:
via Daily Mail

Allanah Harris is a young mom of 3 children who made a name for herself on the internet. Many users were not happy about the fact that she became pregnant with her third child. She was already the mother of a 4-year-old child, James, and a few days after giving birth to her second child, Chase, she announced that she was expecting her third child (and that the latter would be only 9 months older than Chase). In other words, Allanah got pregnant again almost immediately after giving birth to her second child.
This was a bold decision by the couple, but nobody has the right to judge them. Despite this, the couple have received a lot of criticism from those who consider the pregnancy to be excessive and premature. Notwithstanding the critisism, Allanah declared that she could not be happier about being pregnant again.

Allanah and her partner want a large family and thanks to this pregnancy (and subsequent birth), baby Ellie has joined their family. Later, Allanah said: "Three children are more than enough at the moment and I can't wait to see them grow up together".
Fortunately, in addition to the negative comments, there were also many posts congratulating the family.

What do you think about the choice to have two babies just 9 months apart?