Mother leaves her four-month-old daughter with her dad to enjoy a weekend away with her friends: she is heavily criticized

by Mark Bennett

November 03, 2022

Mother leaves her four-month-old daughter with her dad to enjoy a weekend away with her friends: she is heavily criticized

The birth of a baby is an event that is as tiring as it is wonderful. Many mothers, in fact, dream of a well-deserved vacation after the first months of their baby's life and there is nothing wrong with wanting this: few hours of sleep due to feeding needs and the other things one must do for the infant, can be exhausting. Recently, Ashy Bines, a 33-year-old fitness influencer from the Gold Coast, Australia, became the target of online criticism after leaving her little girl with her dad for 48 hours in order go on a girls' weekend away.

via DailyMail

Although Ashy's husband Steve took care of their little girl, Tala, and their seven-year-old son, Taj, while she was away, many users criticized Ashy. As result, Ashy decided to respond to these critics in a long post published to her Instagram account:

"I'm spending a weekend with my friends after having just said goodbye to my daughter. I feel like I'm missing an arm, but her dad is sending me a lot of videos showing all is going well. I'm so lucky to have my family! I know you criticized me for choosing to spend 48 hours away from home, but listen to me: I love my little girl, but I also love my friends. I love both my children, but I also love to travel. I trust Steve and he loves spending his time with the children. So, I can have fun away knowing they are happy and safe!” Ashy wrote.

"This morning a woman wrote this to me:" How could you leave your children with Steve for so long? It's so wrong. "I think it's wrong to send such a message to another person without knowing all the background," she continued.


"Why is it wrong to leave my children with their father? If a father goes away for 48 hours, does he receive any criticism? Moms must be kind to each other and not attack those who have done nothing wrong. It might not be right for you and that's okay, but we are all free to do as we please - within reason," Ashy concluded.

The post received thousands of positive reactions and hundreds of comments. "It's ridiculous that you have to justify yourself. Steve is your baby's father. What makes him less able to take care of her than you?" asked one user.

What do you think about this?
