Waitress takes a customer's baby in her arms to allow the mother to eat comfortably

by Mark Bennett

November 02, 2022

Waitress takes a customer's baby in her arms to allow the mother to eat comfortably

Sometimes we believe the world has good people in it, but it is not always easy to meet them. Of course, if you are not lucky, it might be hard to believe that this is true, but then there are stories that restore our faith and make us believe again in guardian angels.

This story is about a mother, her child and a waitress. Here is what happened:

via Understanding Compassion

Everyday I hold a baby in one hand and eat with the other. But it’s not everyday that I have a waitress offer me to hold...

Pubblicato da Stories For The Soul su Domenica 11 settembre 2022

Nicole Kindhart is a young mom who was traveling with her baby to Disney World when she stopped for lunch at Cracker Barrel in Lake City, Florida. Here, the woman ordered a meal: using only hand one hand (since the other was holding her son), she started eating.

This is a very common scene to witness in restaurants. Not everyone, however, happens to meet a special person like Charmin. Charmin was the waitress who took this mom's order and who also did a little bit more for her.

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The waitress offered to hold Nicole's baby so she could be freed up to enjoy her meal in peace and comfort.

Charmin, the waitress, was also very busy as it was rush hour for the restaurant, but she didn't hesitate to help the tired woman.

Later, Nicole not only thanked Charmin in person, but also created a post on her social media account to acknowledge her kindness and to let as many people as possible learn about what she had done.

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

"Every day, I eat using only one hand because in the other, I have my baby and it never happens that a waitress comes over to help me," wrote Nicole. She continued: "She took my baby in her arms and kept working. It wasn't a quiet time in the restaurant, in fact, it was the busiest time. It was a very sweet thing to do and everyone appreciated it".

It is people like Charmin who make a difference in our world and restore our faith in humankind. After all, it takes very little to do a good deed and this waitress is proof of this. Well done!
