"I regret becoming a mother: I can't take it anymore"

The circle of life predicts that, at some point and for those who want it, the time comes to have a child. Carrying it in one's womb for 9 months and then seeing the baby born, smiling and growing up in one's arms is one of the most beautiful things in the world. But parenting also comes with having to make many sacrifices.
This mother knows this well, and decided to post her story to Mumsnet. Here is her story:
via Mumsnet

"I think I made the biggest mistake in my life" - the title of her post immediately sets the scene of the problem. This mother shared her despair which, she says, is "due" to the birth of her child. It is, of course, rare for a mother to express herself in this way. After all, we are used to women being thrilled to be raising their child.
Many women have a partner and a family they can rely on for help, but where this is not the case, one can be completely overwhelmed by raising a child. There is no easy solution to this problem, unfortunately. This woman is one of the few who have been overwhelmed by her parental duties.

Melimama/Wikimedia - Not the actual photo
"I can't stand it. I don't have a life. My everyday life is now like this: I wake up at 6am and go to work. After work, I run to pick up the child from kindergarten. Back home, I have to entertain my baby for 2 hours, then take a bath and put him to bed. From that moment, I have only 45 minutes to myself during which I have to do everything. Then he wakes up again for feeding, before going back to sleep. I allow myself 2 hours of sleep, then have to get up for more feeding. Then, it's 4 hours of sleep before the alarm goes off. At this point, I start all over again," this mother described.
This is a taxing, tough routine that would put strain on even the strongest mother - let alone one who has no help.

Michael Sauers/Flickr - Not the actual photo
Many users read this mother's "request for help" and some decided to leave a comment: "Raising a child is not easy and, when you are alone, it is even more so. I am not surprised that you are exhausted, but it will not always be like this. It will get better, believe me," one comment reads. Another comment says: "Try asking your boss for some time off, it might help you manage your time and let you sleep better". "When my baby was small and, despite having a partner to rely on, I was always crying, but I can assure you that it passes and normality will return," another comment stated
We hope that these words of encouragement will help this woman get through this tough period in her life.
What advice would you give to mothers who are in the same situation?