"I dreamed of having a perfect smile: now I look like a horse"

by Mark Bennett

November 05, 2022

"I dreamed of having a perfect smile: now I look like a horse"

There are some people who try to improve their appearance by trying various artificial improvements. There are those who decide to change their hair color, those who cut their hair, those who change their wardrobe and those who simply want a brighter smile and whiter teeth.

The mother in this story decided to do something about her teeth, but she didn't get the result she wanted. As a result, she decided to share her experience on her TikTok account. Here is her story:

via lorenhx/Tik Tok

lorenhx/Tik Tok

lorenhx/Tik Tok

Lauren Hartley is a 23-year-old English woman and a mother of 4, who became famous on the web for sharing a hilarious video clip. In the video she talks about an order placed she placed on the internet for a product to improve her smile. To this end, she bought some clip-ons which were supposed to be applied to her teeth. Unfortunately, she didn't get the result she was hoping for.

"I spent £180 pounds to look like a horse. I was hoping they would look natural and whiter. When the product arrived and I put the clips on, I immediately found out that they didn't fit - so and I decided to send them back. They made me look like a horse," Lauren said.

In fact, from what you see in the video, Lauren's observation is quite accurate. Her video has been seen by more than 3 million people, many of which left witty, amusing comments.

lorenhx/Tik Tok

lorenhx/Tik Tok

Jokes aside, this was not a pleasant experience for Lauren. As a result, she decided to return the order and rejected a proposal from the company. Apparently, in order not to lose her custom, they offered to make the necessary changes, but Lauren refused. Only after much insisting did the company reimburse Lauren.

What would you have done in her place?
