She is 62 and only dates men in their twenties: "I love being single"

How normal is it to choose not to bond with anyone? Humans are social animals and, sooner or later, one feels the need for company and human warmth. There are those, however, who claim that they can have all of this and live very happily even though they do not have (and do not want) a stable, long-term relationship. The subject of this story is 62 years old and she loves dating men much younger than she is - and all without feeling bound to any of them.
via Yahoo
Cindy Gallop is really enthusiastic about her life as a single, career woman: she got to her sixties with the certainty that she does not want any children and does not want to share her home with anyone else. Cindy is a consultant, innovator and business coach and is very much in demand for her skills; she has given priority to her career and her happiness, and for this reason she does not feel at all guilty for having chosen a life without a husband or children. And after all, who said that these are essential elements to have in order to live happily?
Cindy is dating men significantly younger than she is, as her peers are almost all looking for a stable and lasting relationships. Cindy's attitude may have resulted from her being the daughter of an English man and a Chinese mother and being very attached to the Asian culture.
"I lived with my English father and my Chinese mother, but I grew up learning the Asian culture, which encourages you to marry and have children. Until I was 20, I believed in this, but at 30, everything changed. Over time , I realized that I had no desire to become someone's wife. Above all, I have no desire to have children. I am one of those people who are happier alone," explained Cindy.
The fact of being dated by men in their twenties has greatly strengthened her self-esteem: "I was surprised that it was mainly the much younger men who flirted with me and dated me - this did a lot of good for my ego, it gave me confidence". In short, Cindy loves being single and she knows she doesn't have to share every moment of her life with someone else in order to be happy.
Do you believe that this is true freedom or does it ultimately lead to loneliness? Write to us in the comments!