"My pregnant colleague fell asleep at work and I didn't wake her up: now everyone thinks I deliberately got her into trouble"

When working in an office, it is always best to maintain good relations with colleagues because it makes the working environment more relaxed and efficient. But to what extent can a colleague support another? This is the question that a young woman asked on the web: the woman explained that she works in an office with a pregnant colleague, with whom she shares the same lunch break hour and she often dozes off. But one day, the woman didn't wake her colleague up and she got mad at her. Here is the story:
via Reddit

"I work in an office. I have a colleague, Anne, who is pregnant and in her sixth month", wrote the young woman, adding: "We have a relaxation room for our lunch break, because we are not allowed to eat in the office near the computers. Anne and I go on break together from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm. No one else is on this break and it's the last of the day".
"In the break room there are a few chairs and a couple of sofas. For the past two weeks, Anne has been taking a nap on one of the sofas during her lunch break. I know it's none of my business what she does on break, she can do whatever she wants. Last Friday, Anne and I were taking our break as usual. I was listening to music on my headphones and, around 2.30pm, I got up to go back to work. I didn't pay any attention to what Anne was doing", she said.

"Around 3 pm, some colleagues asked: "Where is Anne?" because they needed her. Our boss went to the break room to look for her and found her fast asleep. He reprimanded her and now Anne is angry at me, because our breaks end at the same time and so she thinks that I should have woken her up. She said I'm selfish and negligent. Many other colleagues are on her side, but I told her that if she can't wake up, she shouldn't sleep on the break. She replied that her baby tires her out and accused me of calling her lazy", stated the young woman, asking for advice online on what to do.
The web supported the young woman, stating that the only responsible for her trouble is the colleague herself: "I have a strange habit of falling asleep randomly, so I put an alarm on even when I'm on public transport so I don't miss a train stop. I fully understand that naps are great, but it's your responsibility to wake at the right time by yourself," wrote another user.
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