Man wins $ 30 million but does not tell his wife and son: he collects his prize wearing a yellow bird costume

Winning the lottery is probably everyone's dream, even if it could change the lives of the people involved in a negative way. Having a lot of money means having to pay much more attention to your safety and the people you are dealing with. It is no coincidence that the winners of lottery cash prizes avoid divulging their identity, or letting friends and family know about their win. The gentleman who is the subject of this story, is one of those prudent people who wanted to avoid flaunting his lottery winnings. The way he turned up to receive his prize was a complete shock for everyone who saw it!
via gxcaipiao

Mr. Li - the fake name used by the winner - won a large prize after buying about 40 lottery tickets. The peculiarity of the tickets is that they all contained the same numbers: 2, 15, 19, 26, 27, 29 + 2. Apparently, Mr. Li has been playing the same combination for years. But the man did not expect, however, that he would be the winner.
Once he realized he had won, the man took the first train to the capital in order to collect his prize. He didn't say anything to anyone - not even his wife and his son.

Once he got to the lottery offices, he didn't want to divulge his identity, so he decided to show up to collect the prize wearing a yellow bird costume. This was a decidedly bizarre scene, but the brilliant idea allowed Mr Li to maintain his anonymity. After collecting his $ 30 million check, Mr. Li gave a press interview and explained the real reason he wanted to hide his winnings from his family: "I didn't tell my wife and son for fear that they would become complacent and not work hard in the future. I don't want them to become lazy."
How would you deal with a big lottery win?