Wife doesn't go to her father-in-law's funeral because her mother-in-law books a first-class flight for her son but not for her

by Mark Bennett

February 10, 2023

Wife doesn't go to her father-in-law's funeral because her mother-in-law books a first-class flight for her son but not for her

The most complicated relationships to manage and maintain are certainly those linked to the family, especially when it comes to relatives by marriage: when a person decides to get married, he or she is well aware that, in addition to his/her partner, s/he will "acquire" relatives - but it is not always easy to get on with everyone.

A young woman from the United States knows this very well and reacted negatively to a provocation by her mother-in-law which impacted her husband too. In fact, her husband had just lost a loved one and was appalled by his wife's reaction.

via Reddit

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

"My mother-in-law and I do not get along. She is civil towards me, but sometimes we tend to disagree. We live in a different state in America. Unfortunately, my father-in-law passed away suddenly and my mother-in-law asked me and my husband to go to the funeral and she booked our plane tickets," the young wife said. "My husband cried the whole way to the airport and I didn't want to leave him, but the problem started when he told me we couldn't sit together on the plane because his mother had booked him a first class ticket but had booked me on economy. I was stunned and felt so much humiliation and contempt that I decided not to go to the funeral. My husband was stunned away by my decision and tried to get me to go, but I refused," the woman continued.

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

Pexels - Not the Actual Photo

As a result, the woman's husband went to the funeral on his own. Furious, he called his wife and accused her of being spoiled and ungrateful. He added that she had made a very poor impression on his family through her action. Unsure of herself now, the young wife turned to the internet for advice and opinions.

Most users harshly criticized the woman for jeapodizing her relationship with her husband: "Your mother-in-law provoked you, but you fell into her trap, causing serious damage to your marriage," commented one user.

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