"I gave two weeks notice before quitting: the next fortnight was a nightmare"

Sometimes, even if you love your job, you may need to look for a new one or accept an offer more in line with your aspirations. As a result, it can be a little sad to leave an old job for a new one - or at least, that's what Sophia expected to experience. This young woman recounted her unusual experience on TikTok, claiming she was mistreated by her bosses, even though she gave them two weeks notice. Sophia shared her story in a video, which garnered over 2.3 million views in just three days.
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In the clip, Sophia goes into detail about what happened when she told her bosses she would be quitting her position in two weeks: "I sent a very candid and polite email to the directors of the company to advise them I was resigning. It is a small company, so not only did I know them personally, but I looked upon them my mentors,” she explained.
"I intentionally waited to first train a group of new people before handing in my notice. After receiving it, my bosses made me a counteroffer. They spoke to me in a condescending way and revealed their annoyance. They didn't like the fact that I gave them 'only' two weeks' notice - they wanted six," Sophia continued, adding that she had refused the request to stay an extra month.

For the next two weeks, Sophia's bosses made her life "hell". On her last day, a surprise meeting was called. “I showed up only to find my bosses were creating a narrative about why I was leaving. This included saying that I wasn't right for the job, I couldn't handle the pressure, and that anyone could do it better than me. They continued belittling me, my experience and what I had done for them over the past two years without ever once asking me to speak, never once praising or thanking me for my work,” Sophia said. She added that at one point, the bosses also "revealed private things I had told them in confidence to prove that I didn't know how to work under pressure".
"I'm upset because I admired these men and this is how they treated me. I thought they cared about me, professionally and personally. Apparently not," concluded Sophia. Many users were stunned by her story and expressed their solidarity with her. One user tried to see the glass as half full: "What a gift the universe has given you: these negative people have been removed from your life: they have shown their true colors. Enjoy your fresh start!".
What do you think? What would you have done in Sophia's shoes?