Wife who was exhausted after receiving cancer therapy doesn't prepare lunch: her husband complains because he has to do it himself

Managing the relationship with your partner isn't always easy. There are many challenges, ups and downs, good times and bad. But if there is love, mutual respect and collaboration, then everything becomes so much easier and problems can be overcome.
It is not the case, apparently, for the couple we want to tell you about here. What seemed to be missing, in this case, was husband's support and understanding for his wife and which triggered numerous comments from users. Read on to find out more:

This story took place in California where Gerald, Gonda's husband, was filmed as he prepared a meal by himself. So far, nothing is very strange about this: in a family, everyone has tasks to do. So, it was too bad then, that this man did not agree with this.
In the clip posted by Gonda to her Tik Tok profile, her husband can be heard saying he was disappointed because she hadn't prepared lunch for him while he was out playing golf and he had to do it when he got back. "I asked you to make my lunch while I was out playing but I came back and found you on the sofa. So, now I have to do it myself," Gerald complains.

It is not uncommon for a wife to prepare a meal for her husband. But in this case, what deeply disturbed the users was that fact that Gonda had a good reason not to do so. In fact, Gonda suffers from lung cancer and had just returned home after getting a dose of anti-cancer treatment - which left her exhausted. Apparently, Gerald didn't take this into account.
The reaction from users was immediate and many of them lashed out at this insensitive husband. "If I were you, I would immediately file for divorce," reads one comment; "Is it reasonable for an adult man to complain because his wife doesn't cook for him?"; "This is exactly why I'm not getting married." These are just a few of the negative comments that were levelled at Gerald by users.

However, there were those who have also advanced the hypothesis that no man can be so "thoughtless" and interpreted the incident as just a joke between spouses, playing on the cliché of gender roles.
We all know, fortunately, that there are no such pre-established roles and that everyone must equally contribute to a relationship. Do you agree with this?