Twins are born from embryos that were frozen 30 years ago: a true record

Having a baby is a dream for many. There are those who manage to achieve this with ease; then, there are those who struggle. Luckily, these days, it's not that complicated to overcome these problems and there are loads of new medical methods that can help. The couple we want to tell you about, for example, decided to use one of these procedures in order to have two more children.
The spouses in question chose to use in vitro fertilisation: this is a method whereby fertilized embryos from the ovules of another woman - often a stranger - are implanted in the uterus of the future mother. Nothing much is odd here - except perhaps, in this case, the date when the embryos were frozen. Read on to find out more:
via CNN
Philip and Rachel Ridgeway live in Vancouver, Washington. This father and mother have four children aged 8, 6, 3 and 2. But when they decided to have another child, but they ran into some difficulties trying to get pregnant. The choice they faced was between abandoning the endeavour or opting for assisted fertilization (IVF). They decided to try the latter.
As a result, twins Lydia and Timothy were born. The amazing thing is that these babies were "grown" from embryos that had been frozen on April 22, 1992 - when their parents were only 3 and 5 years old! The donor decided to freeze the two embryos and leave them in custody of the West Coast fertility lab. In 2007, they were moved to the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) in Tennessee, where they remained until Rachel and Philip became their recipients.
This is a record-breaking event as the births took place 30 years after the embryos were first frozen. The couple had no intention of setting a record - as they said themselves, they simply asked for embryos which had been waiting a long time for implantation.
While not intended, Lydia and Timothy are the "oldest" children to be born by IVF. Previously, the record was set at 27 years.
We wish this family a great future life and all the best.