Couple is annoyed by the crying of a child at their restaurant and ask to change their table: the child's mother is furious

by Mark Bennett

December 27, 2022

Couple is annoyed by the crying of a child at their restaurant and ask to change their table: the child's mother is furious

With the arrival of a child, many couples have to devote themselves completely to their child. Whilst necessary, it is also important to maintain a harmonious relationship with one's partner to ensure that familial bonds remain intact.

The couple in this story were determined to maintain their relationship. So, it was a great shame when, one evening, they they had an unfortunate experience. Here is their story:

via Reddit

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

In a long post on Reddit, a woman recounted the experience she had with her husband at a restaurant. Out for dinner after a long time after the birth of their child, the two had decided to get away for a few hours and enjoy a romantic dinner together. The cosy atmosphere of the restaurant seemed to be the perfect setting for romantic evening alone, but this turned out not to be the case.

"We had just ordered when another couple with a small child sat down at a table next to ours," said the author of the post. She continued: "The little one started crying immediately and it soon became unbearable. The parents tried to comfort the child, but every time he seemed to have fallen asleep, he woke up crying agains almost immediately. At this point, my husband and I just wanted to leave, but the food was about to arrive and we couldn't just walk out. So, we asked the waiter if we could change tables, explaining the situation".

The waiter reseated the couple immediately. In fact, another couple had also asked to be reseated for the same reason. Realizing this, the mother of the crying child got very angry and lashed out.

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

Pixabay - Not the actual photo

"The child's mother addressed me rudely, telling me that I didn't know what it means to have children. In reality, I have 2 kids. This woman contined raging, saying that children are human beings too and should be respected, and we needed to accept that they cry and be can noisy. At this point, I told her that she should take her little somewhere else where he would be more comfortable and allow the customers at the restaurant to eat in peace," the woman recounted.

The experience was obviously not a pleasant one for this couple. Once the woman got back home and after having told her story, some people said that she had over-reacted.

Most Reddit users, however, supported the woman and said that she did the right thing. What do you think about this story?
