At 101 years of age, this man accompanies his granddaughter down the aisle: she had lost her father years previously

by Mark Bennett

December 22, 2022

At 101 years of age, this man accompanies his granddaughter down the aisle: she had lost her father years previously

There are many women who, ever since they were little girls, dreamt of their wedding day. This is a special moment in which, accompanied by their father, they walk down the aisle. For some, this dream comes to be; for others, certain circumstances can prevent this. And, unfortunately, this is what happened to the woman in this story.

The young woman had always imagined having her father next to her at her wedding, but he passed away long before she got married. Despite everything, everything turned out well thanks to a special person who stood in for her father.

via Express

Sarah Morson from Manchester, England, had planned her wedding day to the last detail, but there was one thing that really made her sad: her father had passed away many years earlier and, obviously, could not accompany her down the aisle. But he problem was solved when her grandfather stepped in.

William MacLean, 101 years old, a former paratrooper and retired doctor, decided to stand by his granddaughter at her wedding. Despite his age, William accompanied his granddaughter to the altar on her wedding day. The relationship between the two had always been very strong and this gesture proved it.


The bride-to-be couldn't have been happier about this: it's true, she wouldn't have her beloved dad at her side, but her grandfather had found a way to mitigate this loss. William turned up at the Holy Trinity Church in Whitfield, Northumberland, and escourted Sarah in his military uniform. Everyone was moved by this wonderful grandfather.

Sometimes, just a small gesture is enough to ensure that moments of great pain can be overcome. This is exactly what this elderly grandfather did, showing his deep love for his young granddaughter.
