Father's daughter is on duty as a stewardess on Christmas Day: he books 6 plane tickets to be with her

by Mark Bennett

December 23, 2022

Father's daughter is on duty as a stewardess on Christmas Day: he books 6 plane tickets to be with her

We know that parents will do anything to make their children happy. Whether they are young or adults, it doesn't matter: a mum and a dad will always want to be there for their children.

The father at the center of this story knows something about this: in order to ensure that his daughter did not spend the Christmas holidays alone, he did a wonderful thing to make her happy. Here is the story:

via mlevy1987/Facebook

The uncertainties in life can lead to the seperation from loved ones for long periods of time. The pain of this is felt especially during the Christmas holiday season - a time of the year when families get together and spend time around the Christmas tree. This, however, was not going to happen for young airline stewardess, Pierce Vaughan.

Employed as a stewardess for a few years, the young woman had been placed on the "Christmas" shifts and this prevented her from being with her family over the festive period. Pierce was not happy about this and neither was her mom and dad. So, how could this problem be solved? Hal Vaughan, the girl's father, decided to do something special for his daughter.


Not being able to be with his daughter at home - and in agreement with his wife - Hal booked seats all the flights on which his daughter would be working. Hal was the first to depart from Ocean Springs, Mississippi, to be joined by his wife, who would be embarking at a later date.

Mike Levy, a passenger on one of the flights with Hal, learned of his story and what he was up to. Seated next to him, Mike was deeply moved by Hal's story decided to publicize it online. Mike took two photos: one with Hal and one with Pierce and shared them on the web.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Needless to say, the story soon attracted many comments. "I had the pleasure of sitting next to Hal on my flight home," Mike wrote on a Facebook post. "His daughter, Pierce, was our flight attendant who had to work over the Christmas period. Hal decided he would spend the holidays with his daughter and will be on all of her flights," he said. "What an amazing father! Wishing you both a merry Christmas," Mike ended.

The words of admiration were echoed by many of the users who read the story. And we too can only congratulate this dad for making his daughter's Christmas a truly special time.
