Struggling 69-year-old widow gets help from a 'Secret Santa'

In most cases, humble people are the purest of heart and, even if life subjects them to constant challenges, they never turn lose their positivity. Luckily, sometimes these wonderful people are noticed and rewarded by the community they give so much to. A great example of this is the story of Annette, a 69-year-old woman living in Sugar City, Idaho, in the United States who has faced many adversities in her life. But Annette never gave up and she has received a well-deserved reward for all her sacrifices.
via Eastidahonews

Annette lost her husband about 17 years ago: at the time, Annette's husband supported the family and worked as a high school teacher. When he passed, Annette had to get a job to pay the bills. Even today, at almost 70 years of age, she works as an assistant in elementary schools and, according to those who know her personally, she is a kind, sweet and caring woman. Her lifestyle is very frugal: she doesn't even own a mobile phone. But fate had more bad times in store for Annette.
Sadly, about a year and a half ago Annette was diagnosed with a serious disease: she underwent surgery and is now trying to recover. But in the United States, healthcare is not free, so Annette also had to deal with this additional bills. On top of that, her car — which was given to her nine years ago by her neighbors — started having mechanical problems and was falling apart. Almost anyone would have given up at this point, but not Annette. She courageously continued to go to work and remain positive.
Luckily for Annette, there is a billionaire philanthropist who lives in Idaho and who calls himself "Secret Santa": this mysterious person spends 1 million dollars every year to help deserving people in Sugar City and when he learned of Annette's story, he was so moved that he decided to give her a big surprise. Secret Santa's "elves," - the local news crew - brought a gift around for Annette and captured her reaction on video.

The journalists waited for Annette in front of her house, but they had to wait for more than an hour because she had a flat tyre! When she got home, Annette was surprised to see a television crew patiently awaiting her arrival. Firstly, the TV crew gave Annette a check for $1,000 dollars. Annette got so emotional that she started crying. She couldn't believe someone was kind enough to do this for her and kept saying she "didn't deserve the money" because "there are other people more in need".
Annette kept repeating how grateful she was, until her TV crew presented her with an even bigger gift: a brand new car. Annette could hardly contain herself. Through tears of joy, she revealed that she had had a terrible week and this surprise was just what she needed to lift her spirits. And, fo course, this sweet lady didn't forget to tell her Secret Santa how grateful she was either.