"I'm done with men who only buy me a drink on the first date: I deserve at least a dinner"

Romantic encounters are happenings that arouse a whirlwind of emotions: men and women are not sure what to do or what to expect on a first date and often opt for having just a drink together in order to get to know each other better. Usually, if there's chemistry between the two, something will happen... maybe.
A young woman from Melbourne, Australia doesn't think this is the case. She returned from a blind date, but said that she was "finished with men who only offer me a drink on a first date" because she is "very beautiful" and deserves "at least a dinner ".
via NYPost

The woman, Tasia Taderera, shared a video on TikTok that garnered more than 1 million views in which she explained that she had just returned from a first date with a man who only offered her a drink before asking her lots of questions.
Pointing to her attire, the young woman said she "deserves at least a good dinner and some nice wine. Come on! Look at me, take me to dinner! Don't try to get lots of information out of me for just a drink. I'm beautiful so you should pay," she said.

The video has collected dozens of comments, dividing public opinion in half. Some women agreed with Tasia: "My now husband took me to a museum and to dinner on our first date. Don't waste your time with these guys," one woman commented. "It's actually embarrassing to be dressed up for a man who offers you so little," added another girl.
Either way, dozens of men have told Tasia (and others) that their expectations are too high. “So just because she's dressed up and looking, the guy have to pay for a dinner? Especially when he's meeting a woman for the first time and doesn't know what to expect?” one male user asked. “Why should he pay for you?” asked another. “So a guy invites you out, he tries to get to know you by asking questions and trying to have a conversation, but he asks too much because he only pays for one drink?” pressed a third.
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