Woman divorces her husband and changes her look: "I chose to show the real me"

Romantic relationships can affect your personality. Usually, when you're single, you tend to choose a look that highlights your physical qualities: it's an unconscious behavior that drives us to find a partner. Once your mate has been found, then, one tends to relax because non-physical factors come into play: this comfort level can make one feel "safe" about showing oneself as they truly are. Unfortunately, sometimes, this does not work out: Marissa Pool, a young 29-year-old mother, knows this very well.
via Dailystar

In a video she shared on her TikTok profile, Marissa admitted that she had previously "adjusted" to the look she thought a good wife and mother should look like, but this made her deeply unhappy. "I met my ex when I was just 17," she explained. "I was caught up in the role of wife and mother that was expected of me and I didn't prioritize my appearance or any other aspect of my life."
In the TikTok video Marissa describes her life as a girlfriend, then as a wife and finally as a divorcee: "It was definitely a process - it didn't happen overnight", she commented. "First, I changed my wardrobe, because I've always liked alternative fashion since the age of 12. I thought I couldn't dress like that after I became a wife and mother. I was constantly bleaching and dyeing my hair, so in the end, I cut it very short".

After divorcing her ex in January of 2022, Marissa reevaluated what she really wanted, embracing her love of alternative music and starting to dress in a style of clothing, hair and makeup that she had always liked (but never tried). "I've finally been able to become myself. I've decided that if I take care of my appearance, I can feel good about myself, because I can be real and honest with people, without hiding out of fear."
This mother - who now has nine tattoos, including the logo of her favorite band Bring Me the Horizon, on her chest - takes the time to do her hair and makeup every morning and encourages other mums to do the same: "We can show off our best side only if we really feel good about ourselves. Today I feel like a completely different person. I'm sure of myself, I feel good: I am showing off my true personality".