Half-siblings fall in love and get married despite negative opinions

It is said that nothing can stop love. Love is an overwhelming, powerful feeling that can take hold of any of us. Each of us is destined to find a soul mate and, sooner or later, we meet the perfect mate. But what if the situation as ideal as it should be?
A problematic love affair is what the subjects of this story found themselves in. What got in the way of their love, in this case, was their close family relatedness.
via Daily Mail
Matilda and Samuli Eriksson, aged 23 and 27, met when their parents started a relationship. Half-siblings and then friends, for a while, nothing happened. But then, things suddenly changed.
As time passed, the young couple continued to see each other and their activities together increased. Their friendship was intensifying, but neither of them felt "romantic" about the other - or so they thought. But, deep down, something was stirring.
"It was Samuli who took the first step and I must admit that my response was positive. But we understood right away that it couldn't work," said Matilda. So, in the end, they decided to go their separate ways and never see each other again - but their separation was short-lived. What they felt for each other was too strong and they couldn't help but give in to it.
Matilda stated: "I didn't know what to do. I was torn. On the one hand, I loved Samuli, but on the other, I knew it wasn't right and I was afraid of what others might think". These doubts would have arisen for any sane person, but the heart wants what the heart wants. After agonizing over the problem, the couple decided to reveal their love affair to others.
They obviously brought up the matter with their parents who, it turned out, were much more understanding than they had expected. Their parents accepted the relationship and stated they had no problem with it. With this blessing, the young couple decided to get married. The ceremony took place in Finland where, surrounded by their loved ones, Matilda and Samuli swore eternal love to each other.
This is a story with a happy ending but which has had its critics. Many raised doubts about the wisdom of such a relationship. But is it right to criticize this couple's choice simply because they are half-siblings?
What do you think about this story?