Customers find black hair in their food and this woman's boss always blames her: "I dyed my hair blue, so it can't be mine"

Injustices at work can occur at any time between employers and employees, although workers are protected from abuse by law. There are many cases in which the employees of a company or a restaurant complain about the conditions in which they are forced to work. But the injustice we are about to tell you about seems to be motivated exclusively by the dislike of an employer for an employee. But this worker didn't take the abuse laying down. Let's see in detail what happened:
via Reddit

The young woman told her story on Reddit, garnering the support of many users. The woman wrote that she works for a shop that prepares and sells sandwiches and where all the other employees - apart from her - are women of Indian origin with long black hair. This is an important detail, because it is how the employer exposed his malice. The subject of this story, on the other hand, is the only one in the shop who has short, brown hair. Despite this, whenever a customer complained of finding a "long black hair" in their sandwich, the employer blamed the young woman.
"Every time a customer complained about finding a long black hair in their food, my boss immediately blamed it on me without any hesitation or investigation, even though I was the only person wearing a hair net," she wrote on Reddit.

Tired of being targeted for something that she was not responsible for, the young woman decided to dye her hair blue. In this way, she could prove her point: "So, one day I dyed my hair blue with the sole purpose of not being blamed for any black hair found in the food. Guess what? When it happened again, my boss blamed me, as usual. He was furious when I told him it couldn't be my hair because mine is was very funny," the young woman stated.
It must have been very gratifying for this young woman to expose her boss for the bigot he is!