Woman is pregnant but her belly doesn't swell: in the ninth month, it just looked a little "bloated"

A pregnant woman is easily identifiable by her distended abdomen which gets bigger as the months pass. All pregnancies are different, but it is difficult not to know one is pregnant: the new life that grows inside every woman is a constant reminder during the 9 months of gestation. That said, there are some cases, like the one we are about to tell you about here, in which the mother in question does not show any signs of being pregnant. Nikki Salazar is a young woman who, although she was knew she was pregnant, never developed the classic "tummy bump" - not even during her 9th month.

Nikki Salazar shocked web users with her detailed video account about her 'atypical' pregnancy. Not that Nikki had any particular problems, fortunately. But what caused a stir was the fact that the young woman didn't have the slightest hint of distended belly. Undoubtedly, during the first month of a pregnancy, it is difficult for anyone to notice a pregnancy simply by looking at her belly. But by the third or fourth month, the pregnancy should be clearly visible. This wasn't the case for Nikki, as she was still in enviable shape in her fourth month. Truth be told, Nikki made it to her ninth month with a tummy that looked only "slightly bloated"!

Users were nothing short of stunned and many women couldn't help but be envious of Nikki's pregnancy: "Wow, a pregnancy without a struggle walking, putting on socks, washing, bending over and sleeping belly down...the list is endless! You are a very lucky woman." Another user stated that she felt more swollen on a daily basis than Nikki's "tiny tummy" at 9 months. A pregnancy without a "bump" is a dream of many women, but it can also be scary if you are not aware it can happen. Luckily, Nikki was well aware of her unique pregnancy and now she is the mother of a beautiful baby boy.
We extend Nikki and her baby our best wishes!