A young scholar suddenly falls ill: a 15-year-old rescues her, but is suspended for doing so

From an early age we are taught what to do in case we are confronted by someone who needs help. Certainly, most of us are taught that it would not be right to do nothing to help someone in desperate need.
A teenager from Texas, United States, found himself in a situation like this and didn't sit idly by: he quickly helped one of his classmates who had suddenly collapsed to the floor and - surprisingly - was suspended from school for doing this! But check out the details of this story together:
via DailyMail

Young Anthony Ruelas attended Gateway Middle School in Killeen and was suspended for a day for helping a classmate who had had an asthma attack by taking her to the infirmary.
When the young woman complained of being unable to breathe, the teacher asked the class to remain in their seats and remain calm while she emailed the infirmary for instructions on how to proceed. "Several minutes went by with no one helping my friend," Anthony said. So, the young man took the initiative and ignored the teacher's instructions. He got up, picked up his friend, and carried her in his arms to the infirmary.

The teacher drafted a disciplinary note where the facts were laid out. Because of this, Anthony was suspended for one day of school for violating the orders of the teacher during the emergency. Once she recovered, the young girl thanked Anthony, claiming to remember little or nothing about falling ill.
This incident caused quite a stir in the area - so much so that the school released a statement in which it stated that it "applauds the efforts of students who act in good faith to assist others in their time of need". Anthony's mother has decided to allow her son to finish the school year at home and will enroll him in different school next year: "I'm proud of him for the way he handled the situation," she said.
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