Unemployed woman finds 490 euros cash in an envelope and returns it to an elderly woman who had lost her pension

With the global economic crisis, many families find it difficult to make ends meet, but with a little sacrifice and desire to do, usually, one can make ends meet. Mrs. Estrella Yedra, 40, living in Seville, Spain, knows this fact very well: until recently, the woman was unemployed, as was her partner. The two also had to think about their four-year-old son, and until recently they were able to count on a state subsidy. Estrella's situation is therefore very precarious, like many other families. But Estrella set an example for us all - here is her story:
via Antena3

A few days ago, Estrella had gone to pick up her son from school and on the way back, she decided to pass through the park adjacent to the school. As she walked along with her son and shopping trolley, the wheels struck an object. It was an envelope containing 490 euros in cash! The envelope belonged to a Mrs. Carmen, an 84-year-old woman. The money was the elderly woman's monthly pension, which she had collected a few hours earlier and then lost. Estrella took her son back home, entrusting him to his father, and immediately went back out to the nearest police station to return the money to its rightful owner. To those who asked her why she did this, Estrella replied simply: "It wasn't my money".
Estrella has never regreted her decision, because no one knows better than she "what it means to need money". At first, Estrella thought the money belonged "to a family or a mother who had come from work to pick up her child at school". The elderly woman, who had lost her pension on her way home, managed to get her money back thanks to a notice published by the local police Twitter account. The tweet was noticed by Mrs. Carmen's granddaughter, who immediately notified her grandmother and helped her recover the 490 euros from the police station where Estrella had handed it in: "The meeting between the two women was very emotional," the police officers commented.

"When they told me that the money belonged to an elderly lady, I cried my eyes out. She was probably very distraught by her loss as she has no one else to support her in life," Estrella commented. The good-hearted mother's gesture sparked a Twitter campaign to find work for both her and her partner.
The story caught the attention of the executives of a multi-service company who immediately offered Estrella a job. The woman gladly accepted and is thrilled by the help she has received. In addition, she was nominated by the officers patrolling her neighborhood in Seville for the Cross of Merit award. Additionally, she received a donation for the same amount, 490 euros, from the Spanish-British pianist, James Rhodes .
This just shows that honesty always pays off.