Customers insult a diner's staff: the owner closes the business to give the employees a break

by Mark Bennett

January 17, 2023

Customers insult a diner's staff: the owner closes the business to give the employees a break

Working with the public can be really tiring, as customers can be very demanding. Even though the mantra "the customer is always right" is widespread in the restaurant business, this does not mean that staff can be abused. Respect must be the basis of human relationships: if a waiter tries to do their best, what right does a customer have to abuse, threaten or be rude to them? Unfortunately, however, there are many rude people in this world and this is why the owners of a diner decided to close their place for half a day and give their employees a moment of peace.

via Facebook / Apt Cape Cod

We must be respectful of others, whatever job they do. And just being a "paying customer" certainly cannot be interpreted as having a position of superiority over others. Unfortunately, however, it is common these days for service staff to be mistreated by rude customers. A restaurant in Massachusetts (USA), decided to give its employees a day off after suffering a wave of rudeness from customers on a single day. The owners posted a message to Facebook to explain the reasons for the temporary closure: "The diner will be closed for breakfast and will reopen from 5pm onwards for dinner". But the message said more...


The message continued as follows:

"Many of our clients and customers treat us with kindness and understanding, but every day recently, there has been an marked increase in those who swear at us, threaten to sue us, yell at the staff, and even make team members cry. This is an unacceptable way to treat any human being. So myslef and chef Regina have decided to take the day off and give the staff time to recover from this treatment. We will be open for breakfast again tomorrow. Please remember that many of my staff are young, this their first job and/or it is their summer job that helps pay for their college. We had to make changes due to the uptick in business, the size of the kitchen, product availability and staff availability. We're not trying to ruin anyone's dining experience," the message concluded, asking for some understanding from the clientele.

Things aren't easy for anyone, so we need to show a little kindness regardless of who we're dealing with: do you agree?
