Young man discovers that his future wife is cheating on him with 8 other men: he decides to get his revenge at his wedding reception

Marriage should be the foundation on which a family is based and whether it is a church or civil ceremony, it doesn't really matter. What matters, however, is that the couple truly love each other. To get married and have children you really need to get along and be prepared to make compromises. The subjects of this story, however, seem to have got off on the wrong foot in this regard - here is their story:
via Irish Mirror

A husband-to-be - we will call him Dan - had discovered before his wedding that his wife-to-be - we will call her Betty - was cheating on him. The most obvious decision, at this point, would have been for Dan to cancel the wedding and leave the Betty permanently. But Dan wanted revenge after being humiliated by Betty's cheating. Dan wanted to let everyone know what kind of person Betty really was and decided to get revenge on his wedding day. This all took place in the form of a game among the guests at the reception. The groom asked all the guests to stand up and turn over the plates that were placed in front of them; at this point, all those who found a small red dot attached to the plate had to remain standing, while the others could sit down. Given these simple "rules", eight men were left standing, revealing themselves as Betty's lovers!

Flickr / Not the actual photo / petrr
"Ladies and gentlemen, please take a good look at the men who haven't sat down: they are all the lovers my wife has had since we got engaged. Now, I will ask for an annulment of the marriage," Dan announced to all his shocked and stunned guests.
Certainly, Dan is a proud person, who really knows how to extract a harsh revenge. But did he go too far?
What would you have done in Dan's shoes?