"Others criticize me because at 39 I don't have a partner nor children: I don't fear being single"

For many, having a partner with whom to share their life is everything. However, this is not always the right choice for some: it's okay to look for a soul mate, but if this does not happen, blaming yourself is not a healthy attitude.
The subject of this story knows a lot about choosing to stay single. At the age of 39, and after being harshly criticized by others, she stated that being single isn't so bad after all. She declared staying single is much better than being in a relationship simply out of fear of not being accepted in society.
via Daily Star

This woman is Claira Hermet, a radio presenter, who has published content about her single life online for some time. It all started with a video posted on the internet when she was 37 years old in which she said that she was very happy with her single lifestyle. To her surprise, Claira received some very negative comments about her lifestyle choices. Claira did not take much time to respond to these criticisms.
Claira repeatedly stressed in her responses that happiness does not necessarily have to be linked to the presence or absence of a partner, nor to that of having children.

"I've thought about the question for a long time. I've asked myself many times: do I prefer to 'settle' for a relationship or live my life being single? The answer is obvious for me. Often, I heard that we are already complete on our own and that we shouldn't wear ourselves out looking for a partner. At first, I didn't believe this. But now, I see that this is, in fact, true (at least, for me)," Claira stated in one of her videos.
Claira's many fans came out in support of her assertions. Love, and feeling happy are not limited only to those in relationships. There are many other bonds that can satisfy one in the same way: friendships, family, colleagues. In short, having a partner - for Claira and many of her fans - does not seem to be the "be all and end all" of life.

For sure, Claira hasn't ruled out finding a soul mate in the future, but she will never accept that her life revolves only finding one. When, and if this happens, she will be welcome it, but in the meantime she will enjoy her single lifestyle. "Life is short and I refuse to waste it being sad about my relationship status," she said.
What do you think Claira's life philosophy?