"I told my daughter that I will cancel her birthday party if she invites her biological father"

by Mark Bennett

February 11, 2023

"I told my daughter that I will cancel her birthday party if she invites her biological father"

Many parents know that it's not always easy to manage relationships with their teenage children. This is a difficult age, in which the characters of the children are not yet fully adult. And for this reason, arguments are commonplace. Then, when a separation or divorce between the parents is added, things can get even more complicated, as shown in the story we are about to tell you about here.

The subjects are a mother and her 17-year-old daughter, Kelly, who, unfortunately, did not grow up with an ever-present father figure. The relationship between the girl's parents is complicated, and on the occasion of a birthday party, all the problems came to the surface, resulting in a rather bitter conflict. Let's see what happened:

via throwaway3213451/reddit

Hippopx - Not the actual photo

Hippopx - Not the actual photo

Kelly's biological father, left home when his daughter was only 4, but since then, he has tried to help both her and her mother from time to time, especially financially. Growing up, Kelly decided to reconnect with her father, at first without the knowledge of her mother. When her mother discovered what was going on, she was not happy. 

Kelly's mother, in the meanwhile, has remarried a man called Christopher. At some point, the two began planning a big party for Kelly's birthday. So when Kelly asked if she could invite her father, both her mother and her current husband said no. Neither of them got on with Kelly's father and they wouldn't accept him attending the birthday party.

"I told my daughter that I don't feel comfortable if he comes into my house," commented Kelly's mother. She continued: "Now, Kelly believes we are committing an injustice (in her words). Given her reaction, I told Kelly that if she would not behave and accept our decison, we would cancel her birthday party".

Pexels - Not the actual photo

Pexels - Not the actual photo

The 17-year-old teenage girl took this very badly and the arugment went on for a long time, also involving other family members. For Kelly's stepsister, her mom is simply wrong. Kelly's mother won't relent, however.

“Kelly says she won't forgive me if I don't get her dad to come to the party. Am I really being unreasonable?” Kelly's mother asked Reddit users. Those who read the story are divided: some are sympathetic to her position; others support Kelly. In short, a complex, difficult situation.

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