78-year-old man marries a 17-year-old teenager: he divorces her 20 days later

There are many clichés about love: it is said that love is blind to age and that it can overcome any adversity. But the reality is a little more complicated than this. While you may have very strong feelings for another person, sometimes it's not possible to stay together, even if you're willing to fight to make the relationship work. Unfortunately, love stories don't always have its happy endings.
The story we are about to tell you is a clear example of this sad reality: a young woman of only 17 years of age was left by her husband due to an enormous age difference between them.
via IBT Times
Abah Sarna, 78, met the young Noni Navita, 17, in her homeland in West Java, Indonesia. The two met when Noni was working as a fuel delivery clerk and Abah was a customer. Despite the large age difference, Noni took an interest in Abah and the two started a relationship that culminated in marriage.
At first, this union was not welcomed by Noni's parents - both in their late fifties - but when they saw their daughter how happy their daughter was, they agreed to the wedding. As is the local tradition, Abah offered a series of gifts to his bride and spared no expense: he gave her 11 grams of gold, a large sum of money, two pickup trucks full of household items and a motorbike for her family.
Despite Noni's happiness, Abah filed for divorce from his wife just 20 days after the wedding. Noni and her family cannot explain this sudden decision that seemed to have no valid reason, but - according to the opinion of some of Noni's relatives - it is possible that Abah was pressured by his family (who did not like Noni).
Perhaps supporting this belief is the fact that Abah's relatives criticized the generous dowry he gave to his bride. In any event, it seems that the filing does not even mention returning these dowry gifts.
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