Homeless man enters a restaurant and asks for some leftovers: he is offered a full, hot meal

There are all kinds of people in the world and it's a beautiful thing because diversity makes the universe a place worth living in. Dealing with those who have different ideas from ours, strange lifestyles, weird personalities and so on, enriches our lives.
Then there are some individuals who are less fortunate than us and, at times, it is good to give them a little help. What happened in the story that we want to tell you here, was striking for its positivity.
This story took place in Arkansas, in the United States, when a homeless man entered a restaurant - the El Sur Street Food Co. - to ask the manager for something to eat. Fearful and ready to be turned down, the homeless man was in for a surprise.
The moment was captured on video by one of the customers sitting in the restaurant. When posted, the video was accompanied with the following text: "This place is a synthesis of the compassion that characterizes our town. That homeless man came in asking for some leftovers, but what happened was truly wonderful. The manager told the man he could have a whole meal for free. And when the homeless man told the manager that he did not want to cause any inconvenience, the manager replied that he would be pleased to host him and invited him to sit down".
Kind gestures like this are very rare. There are many people who, when faced with a similar situation, will ignore the homeless. In this case, however, the response was completely different and very kind. The manager's gesture certainly meant a lot to the unfortunate man.
It is people like this manager who make everyday life easier and "happier" for those who have little to be happy about. We should only take an example from his book and make the world a nicer place to live in.
Would you have done the same if you were in the manager's shoes?