Woman's husband won't accompany her to an ultrasound and goes out with his friends: "I won't tell him if it's a boy or a girl"

The imminent arrival of a baby is an exciting moment for both parents, even if usually - for obvious physical reasons - it is the future mother who is the most excited. Many future dads, however, immediately set to work to support their wives, rushing off to buy every type of food they "want", accompanying them to their first ultrasound and perhaps becoming emotional hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time.
But what happens if you have a partner who is not very cooperative? This is the dilemma that plagued a young American woman, who sought advice online on how to handle the situation.
via Reddit

“My husband and I are expecting our first baby and we are thrilled about it. The thing is, he almost never goes to doctor appointments with me and his excuses are not even valid. He is willing to miss the doctor appointment to go play football, have a drink or play a board game with friends,” explained the expectant mother. The husband's resoonse is very blunt: "It's not me carrying the baby, why do I have to go to the doctor with you?".
One day, the woman had an appointment to find out the baby's gender, but her husband didn't go with because he preferred to go out with friends for a meal: "I was pretty angry, but I didn't make a fuss". Her husband sent her a message to ask if they were expecting a boy or a girl, but she didn't answer him, refusing all his phone calls. "He came home furious, but I refused to tell him our baby's gender: he didn't show up for the appointment, so he won't know until the baby is born", continued the woman.

The husband was furious and accused his wife of being immature, informing his family of what happened. The in-laws are pressuring the woman to give in and reveal the gender of the child, but for the moment she has decided to refuse, also asking the web how to behave.
Users have taken her side completely: “To be clear, this is not a gender reveal appointment: it is a check-up on the health of the baby as well. So your partner is not only skipping the chance to know if it will be a boy or girl, but he is letting his pregnant partner attend a meeting alone where she could possibly receive bad news. Your husband is incredibly selfish," one man commented.
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