After having six sons, this mother discovers that her seventh will be a girl: she can't hold back her emotions

Male or female? How many times before becoming parents did you hear this question? There are those who strongly hope for one or the other and those who, conversely, happily accept whatever gender the baby will be.
It was like this for the subjects of this story too, but they couldn't contain their emotions when, during their last pregnancy, they found out what the gender of their baby would be. Here is their story:
via modernfarmhousefamily/Instagram

Sarah and Tim Molitor, the creators of the Modern Farmhouse Family website, found themselves the focus of a story that went viral on the internet. After having 6 children, and with their last one on the way, the two spouses decided to find out what gender the baby would be.
After finding out, the couple decided to hold a "gender reveal" party. They gathered with their family at home and threw confetti into the air. Pink or blue? Nobody knew beforehand and the reveal was a huge surprise for everyone.

"After having 6 sons, I no longer had hope of having a girl," said Sarah. She continued: "I was convinced that I would be surrounded only by men". And in fact, everything seemed to point in this direction. But life can sometimes surprise us...
With everyone gathered together in front of a camera, mum Sarah and dad Tim counted down before throwing the confetti into the air - which colored the ceiling pink! Everyone jumped for joy and Sarah happily exclaimed: "I still can't believe we're having a girl!"
We sincerely hope that happiness and joy will continue to accompany this wonderful family in the future. Good luck!