Every morning, this husband dresses up to visit his wife who has lost her memory: he is the only person she still recognises

Alzheimer's is certainly amongst the most insidious diseases that strike in old age. It is a pathology with different levels of severity, but which, in the end, inevitably takes away the most precious thing a person has: the memories and experiences that have contributed to forming us as a person. Not surprisingly, it is a disease that upsets the family balance and leaves an indelible mark not only on the patient who suffers from it, but also on his/her loved ones. The video we want to show you today talks about an elderly woman with Alzheimer's and the only memory she has left in her ravaged mind: her love for her husband, which has never faded like the rest of her memories have.

In the video that was posted on TikTok by his granddaughter, Catalina, her grandfather can be seen combing his hair and preparing to visit his wife. He is 86 years old, while his wife is 82. The couple have been married for 56 years and have lived through good times and bad. During the last few years, however, life has been cruel to the unfortunate, elderly woman. Unfortunately, although many experimental treatments are available, a cure for Alzheimer's has not yet been found.
"My grandfather dresses up every morning to visit my grandmother," explained Catalina. She continued:"They have been married for 56 years. My grandmother got sick just over 15 years ago. Although she has lost her memory, my grandfather is still a familiar face for her."

"This daily visit is now a fixed routine. And we are convinced that this is what keeps her hanging on. If you asked me what love is, I would tell you to look at my grandparents. They exchange looks that say it all," Catalina said. In the video, Catalina's grandmother clearly recognizes her husband and smiles as she looks into his eyes. Of course, the elderly man is well aware that these fleeting moments of happiness could vanish at any moment. But as long as there is still a small flame alive in his wife's eyes, he will continue to be there for her: "Don't ever stop looking at me," he says tenderly to his wife.