Elderly man queues at a checkout with only two items: strangers tell him that they will pay for his shopping

There are people who, despite their efforts, reach retirement without having achieved economic stability. This is a much more widespread and common problem than one might think: many elderly people barely make ends meet and even struggle to buy basic necessities. This is why charitable initiatives for these people are commonly found in the United States. An example of this generosity was a television crew who decided to surprise the customers in a supermarket by paying for their groceries. Read on to find out more:

In Las Vegas, the "Fox 5 Surprise Squad" television crew surprised some customers at a local supermarket, offering to settle their grocery bills for them. Among these customers, there were several who were struggling to make ends meet and who needed financial help. Dave Hall, the TV host, approached each of these people asking if he could pay for their groceries. Of course, many of these lucky customers were thrilled by this kind offer. Some of the cashiers pointed out to the TV crew the most needy of their customers and among these were two elderly veterans: a woman in a wheelchair, Stephanie, and a friend of her husband, Larry: the woman's husband worked as a truck driver and was often away, which is why Larry would drive her to wherever she needed to go. Both supported each other, but they were struggling The woman told the TV crew that she only had $50 in her pocket.

Larry, in fact, had gone to the supermarket with Stephanie but had almost no money himself: while he was in line at the checkout, he was only holding a bottle of dishwashing soap and a packet of candies. But everything changed when Dave approached him with the microphone in his hand and gave Larry the good news: "You've served our country, now it's our turn to serve you," the TV host told him. Moved, Larry restarted his shopping - his first real grocery shopping in ages.
"We try to do good things for good people, Larry, so you deserve this," he was told by the TV crew when they paid for his groceries.
When you have the opportunity, you should always try to help others.