A surprise visit to teacher after 21 years in prison: "She was my light in that dark place"

by Mark Bennett

February 14, 2023

A surprise visit to teacher after 21 years in prison: "She was my light in that dark place"

The teaching profession is a very special career: teachers influence their students and many teachers are aware that they have a great responsibility on their shoulders. For this reason, teachers always try to set a good example and offer their best at work. Michael Lacey is one person who fully agrees with these statements. He served a 21-year prison sentence, during which time he formed a special bond with his Vocational Teacher, Ms. Rice, who encouraged him to change his life once he was released from prison.

via TikTok / comrade_sinque

TikTok / comrade_sinque

TikTok / comrade_sinque

According to Indiana (USA) law, it is forbidden to prison staff to interact with ex-convicts upon their release for at least a year, so - after Lacey served his sentence - he lost touch with Ms. Rice. Three years later, Lacey met his teacher's roommate at a photography exhibition and the two decided to surprise Ms. Rice (which was videoed for TikTok).

The video begins with Lacey walking up to his ex-teacher's house stating, "I just arrived at the home of my favorite teacher who taught me while I was serving 21 years in prison. She is very special. She doesn't know I'm coming. Let's go and surprise her." After opening the door, Ms. Rice immediately recognizes her old friend quickly and exclaims, "Lacey? Oh my God!" She then hugs him tightly, visibly moved and invites him to come in. "I watched her help over 300 inmates get their professional diplomas. She never judged any of us. She was a shining light in that dark place," Lacey stated at the end of the video.

TikTok / comrade_sinque

TikTok / comrade_sinque

The video received over 13 million views and hundreds of comments from users who were moved by the scene: "If you've never had a teacher who understood you, you'll never know this feeling," wrote one young man. "Thank you for sharing your joy. You made my day start off right," one woman commented.

So many were moved by the two embracing: "This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a while! You can feel the positive energy!" observed one woman. And again: "I am speechless. She is so sweet. I love this teacher," wrote another user.

Have you ever had a teacher who has remained in your heart?
