Waitress takes care of a "cranky" child: his mother can finally eat in peace

Having a child is a great privilege, but at the same time, it is a great responsibility: babies are full of energy and require the utmost attention and care. And precisely for this reason, many parents get completely exhausted at some point and it is not always possible to ask for help.
Jessica Ibarra, a young woman from Texas, in the United States, knows about this very well. One day, she had gone to a restaurant to have breakfast, when her 18-month-old son Dominic started crying and throwing a tantrum: the young mother tried everything to calm him down, but the little boy would not stop.
Dominic is usually adorable and happy: he loves being with his mother very much, but this particular morning he was acting up, so Jessica decided to go out for breakfast for a change of surroundings and enjoy some pancakes.
Despite pancakes being his favorite dish, little Dominic became even agitated. Worried about making a scene in a restaurant full of customers, Jessica decided it was best to leave: "He was very restless and tried to climb on everything. I was tense because I was disturbing the customers, so I asked for the check without touching the food," Jessica said.

At this point, waitress Laura Zaku, stepped in to help: she approached Jessica's table and offered her a hand. "I thought she wanted to help me pack the food to go, but she asked if she could take care of Dominic so I could eat my pancakes in peace," Jessica recalled.
"I saw this young mother, and I understood her frustration: I too have two children and, even though they are adults now, I have not forgotten their tantrums in public places and restaurants," commented Laura. Jessica watched Laura as she took Dominic in her arms: the little one calmed down instantly. Jessica thanked the waitress from the bottom of her heaert. Then, once she got home, she told her story on Facebook, where she received thousands of shares and many comments of solidarity and praise for the waitress.
A wonderful gesture of kindness, don't you think?