Mother and daughter live in their car: policemen decide to help them and do something special for the little girl (+VIDEO)

Police officers are authoritative figures in charge of enforcing the law and keeping citizens safe - but they are still just people: children, brothers, friends, fathers - we often tend not to think about the fact that police are individuals just like anyone else.
An example of this comes from California, United States. When police officer Pricer, 38, and his partner Scott Marsh showed up to investigate a suspicious vehicle report, they didn't expect to find an 11-year-old girl.
via Usa Today

Facebook - Huntington Beach Police Department
The young girl lived in a car with her mother and seemed very scared: "For an 11-year-old girl, talking to a police officer can be intimidating, but I tried to break the ice and make her feel comfortable with me," Pricer explained. At this point, the police officer took a piece of chalk and drew the "Hop Scotch" game on the sidewalk. But the little girl didn't know the rules of the game. So, Pricer decided to give her a practical demonstration.
While Officer Pricer entertained the little girl, Officer Marsh spoke to the little girl's mother to find out if he could be of assistance. After hearing about the couple's plight, the officer contacted the department's Homeless Task Force to find accomodation for the couple. Meanwhile, Officer Pricer was playing with the little girl.

Facebook - Huntington Beach Police Department
The two play the game was caught on camera and shared on Facebook by the Huntington Beach Police Department. In the video, Pricer can be seen explaining and demonstrating the rules of the game: "Okay, your feet have touched the line, but I'm letting you off because it's your first time," says the policeman in the video, which achieved 1.7 million views.
Thanks to the kindness and humanity of these two police officers, the girl and her mother will have the chance to find a more suitable accommodation and will always remember the kind way in which they were treated.