Twins celebrate their 100th birthday: "We've always done everything together since we were born"

The bond between brothers and sisters is something unique and indescribable, but when it comes to twins, it is usually an even more special relationship. Norma Matthews and Edith Antoncecchi know this very well: these two identical twins have also managed to live very similar lives. They both got married at the same time, started a family and together, in 1995, moved to Florida. Also, they recently celebrated their 100th birthday. The sisters have become real celebrities in the small town of St. Petersburg, USA, where they live together in a mobile home.
via Washington Post
Norma and Edith (Edy) were born on December 23, 1921 in Revere, Massachusetts. They have shared everything since birth, even a bed. At school, they dressed alike and sometimes enjoyed confusing their teachers by switching places. They used to fight from time to time, but their grandmother would always tell them, "If you put a penny in your pocket, it won't make a noise. If you put two pennies in your pocket, they will jingle." The sisters are very similar in everything, but their interests are slightly different: Norma loves to draw, while Edy plays the piano. Growing up, Norma became a hairdresser and Edy chose a career as a nurse.
In 1943, Edy and Norma married their respective spouses within three months of each other and both gave birth to their first child in 1944. Over the next five decades, they managed to live very close to each other. In 1995, the twins decided to move to Florida together and live in a mobile home - where they still live today, surrounded by their loved ones. They enjoy attending church and the nearby senior citizens club.
To mark the centenary celebration, more than 50 family members gathered to toast the twins at an Italian restaurant. To those who asked about their secret to a long life, they answered: "we don't drink, don't smoke and live an honest life so we will go to heaven. There is only good or bad, so forgive others and be consistent for your own sake".
Valuable advice that can prove useful to everyone, regardless of one's longevity.