"I'm too beautiful to take my daughter to daycare; the other moms are afraid their husbands might cheat on them"

Sooner or later, each of us will have to deal with our physical appearance and, although society imposes beauty stereotypes that are impossible to achieve, we must try to accept ourselves for who we are. Of course, it may happen that we feel envious of someone who is more beautiful than us, but we shouldn't worry about it. Apparently, however, some people just can't help but feel a certain amount of envy about others. In fact, the mother who is the subject of this story, claims that other mothers look at her with hate and envy every time she drops off her daughter at daycare. The reason? She says she is "too beautiful".

Lena Nersesian is a model and social media influencer who has gained many followers over time. Her Instagram channel is followed by almost 900,000 people and her face has now become known to many. The mothers of her daughter's classmates seem to be very envious of her looks, or at least, that's what Lena claims. In fact, in a video, she declared that she could no longer drop her daughter at daycare due to the envy of the other mothers:
"When I take my daughter to daycare, the other mothers glare at me. Most likely, they are envious of my beauty. They think their husbands might fall in love with me. For this reason, I prefer not to take my little girl to daycare anymore."

Lena is 31 years old and lives with her partner and daughter in Los Angeles, where her modeling career is in full swing. Before this, she worked as a psychologist but changed careers. Obviously, Lena's clip caused quite a bit of controversy. But Lena claims to be a "simple woman", who loves spending time in the home and taking long walks with her partner and her daughter in their free time.
What do you think about this? Can being "too beautiful" be a reasonable excuse for not taking your daughter to school?