"I hide when I go to pick up my son from school to avoid talking to the other mothers"

Having a child not only involve changes within the home, and there are many new situations in which mothers and fathers have to walk a tightrope. Examples of this are numerous: from birthday parties for friends, to sporting events, to school. School, more than all, is the place where, perhaps, adults meet up the most and have the opportunity to interact with each other.
There are those who are at ease chatting with other parents; then there are who can't stand doing so. The mother in this story knows something about this and, in a video posted on her TikTok page, confessed what she does to avoid meeting other parents at the school.

This young mother lives in North London, UK and goes by the psuedenom, @nelleecila. She posted a short clip about how she doesn't like talking to the other mums outside her son's school. Unlike many others, @nelleecila actively seeks to avoid any interactions.
"I'm sorry, but you will never see me chatting with other mothers. I'm not that type" - with these words, the woman introduces herself to the users and the topic she is going to cover in her video. Rather than standing in front of the school waiting for her child, she remains "hidden" in her car and only exits when the school bell rings.
At this point, she goes straight to the entrance, picks up her son and goes back to the car without interacting at all with the other parents. "I'm definitely not the only one who does this," she said. In fact, in comments posted to the video, many claimed to do exactly the same thing.

"I don't understand what they have to say to each other every day," commented one user. Another added: "I'm just like you. I try to avoid everyone and not make any friends"; another said: "Sometimes they judge me because I don't stop to chat".
Others, however, diagreed. "I make small sacrifices so my kid can be invited to parties and social-skills building events," one user said. But in the end, everyone is free to chose how they spend their life and shouldn't be judged for doing so.
What do you think?