"At 60, I was sure I would never get married: then I met the right man and everything changed"

Having reached a certain age, it is normal to review one's life. At the age of 60, for example, most would like to look back on their lives with a sense of accomplishment. But this is not always possible.
Projects we set when we were young may, or may not, materialize and this does not always depend solely on us. The woman at the center of this story knows this very well. Here is her story:

Known on the web by username @emita.lapetite, this woman has become an example for many who feel that they no longer have the possibility of achieving certain goals in life. Love is one of these and it's never easy to find. There are many reasons for this, of course.
Emita, for example, constantly searched for a soul mate, but once she reached 60, she said she resigned herself to being single forever. Originally from Peru, Emita had to change her mind and posted a short clip to TikTok about this.
With over 4 million views, Emita's message has touched the hearts of many people, giving them hope. Emita stated: "I was resigned to the idea of spending my life alone and I knew I could no longer get married as I had always dreamed of doing." She continued: "At least, this is what I believed until my German prince appeared". She was talking, of course, of the man who would become her husband.

The photos Emita posted show the couple together, happy and married. Users who saw the video said they were thrilled, happy and hopeful for themselves too. "At 47, I was suffering from being lonely, but now, my hope has been rekindled," wrote one commenter.
We really hope that Emita's story will be a beacon for those who feel downcast: never despair, life is wonderful precisely because it is unpredictable. Best wishes to these newly weds and for a rosy future together.