Young man travels 1,000 km to meet the woman he met on the web: she doesn't show up

The Internet was a wonderful discovery, there's no denying it. So much these days is done via the web and the super-fast connection allows anyone to stay in touch or to make new acquaintances. There is no guarantee, however, that new friendships and relationships will be successful.
The 18-year-old subject of this story knows something about this. He, who after two years of a long-distance relationship with a woman, was very disappointed when he tried to meet her in person.
via Visao Oeste

The young man in question is Mateus and he lives in Gravataí, Brazil. His story had a very romantic start: the young man met a woman on the web (named Luana) started chatting with her and established a relationship, albeit at a distance. The relationship went on for about 2 years, after which Mateus decided that he needed to go one step further.
Saving some money over time, Mateus finally bought a bus ticket that would take him to the city where his sweetheart lived. Mateus set off and traveled 1,000 kilometers to reach Osasco (near San Paolo, Brazil), where he hoped to meet the young woman in the flesh.

Once he arrived, however, he got a nasty surpise: Luana, with whom he had spoken only a few hours earlier, didn't show up at the bus station and blocked him on social media. She ghosted Mateau and there was no way he could contact her. What could he do?
Mateus had very little moneyand had no way of getting bck home: he was stuck. Luckily, two soldiers came to his rescue. They listened to the young man's story, tried to console him and they advised him to go back home.
They also gave Mateus the money ($90 dollars) to buy a return ticket and they gave him some gifts to console him. This is certainly a story with a bitter-sweet ending.
The use of the internet has become increasingly important in our lives and keeps us in touch with the whole world, but we must always be careful - especially of being cat-fished. Let's just hope that this young man can overcome his heartbreak and has learned his lesson.