Pregnant woman won't give up her seat on the bus for an elderly passenger: an argument ensues

Going to work using public transport is not very pleasant, but in the end, you might take this transport because it is cheaper and more ecological sound. However, finding a seat is usually always an issue - especially during rush hour.
The subject of our story knows this very well, and she asked the web users for their opinion about when she refused to give up her seat to an elderly lady on a bus. The young woman is in the advanced stages of pregnancy and she was carrying some heavy bags with her. Here is the full story:
via Reddit

The expectant mother - we will call her Rachel here - usually gets to work and home using the bus. On this occassion, when she boarded, the bus was already very full, with only one seat available. “The bus emptied quickly after a few stops and was packed again halfway through the journey. This is where the problem started: an elderly lady with a cane came aboard and asked me for my seat. She wasn't even polite: 'You have to find another seat, this is a priority seat for fragile people'. In reality, the priority seats were the ones in front of me", Rachel explained.
Rachel explained to the elderly lady that she had had a hard day at work, that she was 8 months pregnant and was carrying heavy bags, so she didn't want to give up her seat. The elderly woman kept insisting, however. At this point, Rachel said the woman should ask someone else for their seat, as she was not going to give up hers. A few moments later, a man in front of Rachel got up and offered his seat to the elderly woman: "He got up, let her sit down and went upstairs to find another seat, all the while glaring at me," Rachel said.

“The old lady spent the next 15 minutes talking to the passengers, complaining about how young people today have no respect for the elderly and how, in her day, nobody would have addressed their elders like that. My husband and father said I did the right thing, but I feel guilty", said Rachel, asking users for their opinions.
Most users supported Rachel, with many reminding her that priority seats on public transport are also for pregnant women: "If she didn't want you to behave like priviledged brat, she shouldn't have behaved like and evil, old witch," one user commented. What do you think about this story?