Father decides to change gender in order to get custody of his daughters: "I'm their mother too now"

by Mark Bennett

March 03, 2023

Father decides to change gender in order to get custody of his daughters: "I'm their mother too now"

To say that a parent is willing to do anything for their child goes without saying. We are well aware that every mum and dad would give up anything in order to care for their children. Despite this, however, there are cases where problems arise that can be particularly challenging.

When, for example, the relationship between two parents comes to an end, any children, unfortunately, can be affected. Between arguments and the subsequent separation, the lives of children can be destabilized by divorce (or seperation). And when it comes to divorce, the children are usually entrusted to one of the two parents - leading to more conflict. This is what happened in this story:

via Mirror

Divorced from his wife, René Salinas Ramos, 47, a man from Ecuador, made headlines for a decision he took. Father of two girls who, according to what René said, he would not have been able to see for months (after the girls were entrusted to their mother), he decided to assert his rights in an unusual way.

"My daughters live in an environment that is not suited to their age," said René. He continued: "Unfortunately, however, this country does not protect us fathers and when we get divorced, the one who has the most right to be with the children is the mother - even if she does not deserve it". It was precisely this that made René take action: he chose to ask for an official change of gender - going from being a man to a woman, in order to become a second "mother" to his children.

"I'm sure of who I am, but I want to have the same rights as a mother," René said.

Rene Salinas Ramos/Facebook

Rene Salinas Ramos/Facebook

Through his action, René wanted to put the spotlight on what he claims is unfair towards Ecuadorian men: "We men are just seen as providers by the law, so the children are routinely entrusted to the care of their mother, regardless of the conditions in which they live".

René's request to change gender is, of course, more of a symbolic gesture and a way to protest Ecuadorian law in this regard.

It's true, a mother is important in a child's life, but there are many other factors that should be taken into account before awarding a mother sole custody.

What do you think about René's actions?
